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Spring Rains Can Be Unforgiving: Have Your Roof Checked

Texas gets a good deal of rain in spring. That’s good for all things green and growing, but not always good for roofs. Combine the rain with high winds, and you have yourself the perfect storm for roof damage.
Lifted Shingles, Damaged Roof
When the wind is strong enough to lift shingles, it exposes the underside layers of roofing materials. These layers are meant to prevent some water from getting through, but if your roof is old these roofing materials lose some of their efficacy. Then the roof decking gets wet and begins to deteriorate before sinking and falling inward. If you notice any loose or peeled back shingles on your roof after a storm, get those repaired.
Water Damaged Decking
The decking is the board material that is nailed down to the trusses. All other layers of roofing material are attached to the decking. If the decking has water damage, it turns into mushy pulp and molds. Sections that are damaged by rains have to be torn off and replaced so that you don’t lose the whole roof.
Leaking or Blocked Gutters
You may have had the gutters cleared out a few months ago, but with heavy rains the gutters could be blocked again. This causes rain to overflow the edges of the gutters behind the blockages and that extra water can get in under your roof. Additionally, gutters do not last forever and will eventually begin leaking at the seams. If your gutters are leaking and/or blocked, they should be cleared and patched or replaced.
Get a Roof Inspection
The best course of action is prevention. Get a roof inspection either before the first storm of spring, or just after when damage might be readily seen. If the roofing contractor notices anything that needs attention, then you can get it fixed before the next storm.
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